What eating habits are best for longevity?

  • Focus on eating real foods – food that has been grown, not processed in a factory or created in a lab

  • Avoid additives and chemicals – they can cause disruption to our hormonal balance and gut microbiome

  • Eat whole foods – mostly vegetables preferably organic and sustainably raised animal proteins


The obvious offenders are highly processed and contain addicting high fructose corn syrup. In the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition research the article High-fructose corn syrup, energy intake, and appetite regulation states … “some experts have implicated high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) as a possible contributing factor to energy over consumption, weight gain, and, thus, the rise in the prevalence of obesity over the past decades”. You would be shocked by what foods contain high fructose corn syrup. Read your ingredients labels!

Key Point to remember 

Because High Fructose Corn Syrup is so addictive, food producers literally use it in all foods to keep us buying more.  Be sure to read your food ingredients labels!  Obesity doesn’t occur from having a dessert once every other week, it occurs from the small, daily ingestion of hidden sugars. The Nutrition Facts don’t tell you everything you need to know anymore.

What type of diet is best?

Do your best to stay educated

Nutrition is a science, researching and staying current is crucial. The more we learn and know the better informed we become, the longer and healthier life we can live.  Trust SBB to provide you with all the answers you seek! We want to educate you to make better decisions and not be dependent on anyone else for your overall wellness.

CARE what you put in your body

How does this food affect my body long term? How do food additives artificial ingredients and diet fad foods effect my long-term health, how do these ingredients affect hormonal synergy? Is chronic inflammation really the root cause of all disease?

Biochemistry and food sciences have evolved in such a way to hack the brain chemistry, starting at a very young age. Neural pathways are reinforced with highly rewarding palatable foods. 

Unfortunately for America’s growing obesity epidemic, the food industry encourages eating more food. We even develop foods that have the perfect amount of sugar, salt, and fat that make our brain chemistry crave these enhanced foods. These food products then become addictive and combined with emotional eating it is no surprise that in 2017 the CDC reported 40% of American’s are obese.

We try to combat the problem by consuming diet foods. A study on artificial sweeteners and the neurobiology of sugar craving Neuroscience research in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine Research asks “…do artificial sweeteners actually help reduce weight? Surprisingly, epidemiological data suggest the contrary. Several large-scale prospective cohort studies found positive correlation between artificial sweetener use and weight gain.” The study also suggests foods containing aspartame increased subject’s motivation to eat more aspartame foods.

Q: Does this mean you have to over pay for quality ingredients or buy into the billion-dollar industry of diet fad foods and quick fix bars?

A: No. Buy local and fresh food. There is no overwhelming evidence that suggests one diet that works best for everyone.



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