Results you can count on.

  • Increase body strength by 36%

  • Increase flexibility by 50%

  • Lower blood pressure without medication

*in a study of training on the platform just two times a week.

What is Arc Wave Training?

Standing on the Arc Wave for a short 10 minutes can undo an entire days worth of tension and stress of sitting behind a desk. Following the training regimes can produce musculature strength that standard resistance training can’t. The Arc Wave has research proving all of the benefits.

We’ve got proof.

SBB Team doctors have conducted university studies with the Arc Wave that dramatically improved flexibility, mobility, strength, and more in both athletes and sedentary individuals. We are a science-based company that provides extensive research on the benefits from this training. Visit our research page to read articles and studies on how the Arc Wave can transform your health.

How you can get started.

SBB Team has created training classes led by certified and experienced instructors to help guide you through your sessions on the Arc Wave. Simply purchase the Arc Wave and begin streaming from our library of classes or attend “live” from any wifi device during scheduled class times.


Begin your transformation today.

No obligations - we want to help you! Provide your information and we will get in touch with you to answer any questions and share how the Arc Wave can benefit you.

Since I started using the vibration platform I have noticed my soreness from training is greatly reduced, almost as if I have received a massage. However, what I did not anticipate was the increased strength in my legs and core. This has allowed me to prepare for my next run with a sense of confidence and hope that I can take on this challenge.
— Susan